Tekton: Building a Pipeline (Part 4)
This article is part of Series World of Tekton and illustrate how to build and run a Pipeline.
This is Part 4 of the series, you can find the introduction here :)
In this article, we will build and run a Tekton Pipeline. We will using a news-demo
app written in go
You can find it in the repository https://github.com/sm43/news-demo. It is forked from Freshman-tech/news-demo, and modified a bit to deploy on Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Cluster
I will be using an OpenShift cluster but any you can follow with any K8s cluster. - kubectl CLI
- tkn CLI (Optional)
# Install Tekton Pipeline
If you are using OpenShift Cluster then you can go to Operator Hub and install Red Hat OpenShift Pipeline Operator.
If you are using any other Kubernetes cluster, then you can install using Tekton Operator.
You can find the installation steps here.
# Deploy News Demo Application
Before looking into the Pipeline, let’s first deploy the application on the cluster.
You can clone the repository using
git clone https://github.com/sm43/news-demo.git
The application requires a News API account and its key to work. Sign up for a News API account and get your free API key.
Once you have the key
cd news-demo
Edit the configMap in k8s
directory and add your API key for the variable NEWS_API_KEY
After updating the configMap, you can apply the manifest on the cluster using kubectl.
kubectl apply -f k8s/
This will deploy the application in news-demo
namespace and create a service for the deployment.
To access the application outside cluster, Create a Route if you are OpenShift
kubectl apply -f k8s/openshift/
If you are using kubenetes cluster then you need to create an Ingress to access the application outside the cluster.
You can get the route and access it on a browser.
echo "https://$(kubectl get routes news-demo -n news-demo -ojsonpath='{.spec.host}')"
# Setting up a Pipeline
For the news demo app, we will setting up a Pipeline which would be doing following tasks:
We will be reusing tasks from Tekton Catalog, you can browse them on hub.tekton.dev.
- fetch code
for fetching the code, we havegit-clone
Task. This task takes repository url, branch name as input and clones the code in a workspace which we would be passing to it. - build test
for building the code, we havegoland-build
Task. This would build the code and Task would fail if the build fails. - unit test
to run the unit test, we havegolang-test
Task. - build and push image
we have dockerfile in the repo to build an image for the application. we havebuildah
Task which builds the image and push to an image registry - checking/creating/updating deployment
once we have a new image for the application, we check if the deployment exist, if its doesn’t then we create a new deployment or we patch the existing deployment with the new image. For this we havekubernetes-action
If we bring all the Tasks together then the pipeline would look like …
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
name: news-demo-deploy
# params to be passed from pipelineRun
- name: REPO
- name: REVISION
- name: IMAGE
- name: TAG
# workspace to be passed from pipelineRun in which repo will
# be cloned and shared among all Tasks
- name: shared-workspace
- name: fetch-repository
name: git-clone
- name: output
workspace: shared-workspace
- name: url
value: $(params.REPO)
- name: subdirectory
value: ""
- name: deleteExisting
value: "true"
- name: revision
value: $(params.REVISION)
- name: build-test
- fetch-repository
name: golang-build
- name: packages
value: ./...
- name: package
value: github.com/sm43/news-demo
- name: source
workspace: shared-workspace
- name: unit-tests
- fetch-repository
name: golang-test
- name: package
value: github.com/sm43/news-demo
- name: flags
value: -v -mod=vendor
- name: source
workspace: shared-workspace
- name: build-push-image
name: buildah
- name: source
workspace: shared-workspace
- name: IMAGE
value: $(params.IMAGE):$(params.TAG)
- name: FORMAT
value: "docker"
- build-test
- unit-tests
- name: check-deployment
name: kubernetes-actions
- name: script
value: |
kubectl describe deployment news-demo -n "$(params.NAMESPACE)" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
printf yes | tee /tekton/results/output-result
printf no | tee /tekton/results/output-result
- build-push-image
- name: patch-image
name: kubernetes-actions
- name: script
value: |
kubectl patch deployment news-demo --patch='{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{
"name": "news-demo",
"image": "$(params.IMAGE):$(params.TAG)"
}}}}' -n $(params.NAMESPACE)
- input: "$(tasks.check-deployment.results.output-result)"
operator: in
values: ["yes"]
- check-deployment
- name: create-deployment
name: kubernetes-actions
- name: manifest-dir
workspace: shared-workspace
- name: script
value: |
kubectl -n $(params.NAMESPACE) apply -f <(sed "s@image:.*@image: $(params.IMAGE):$(params.TAG)@" k8s/02-deployment.yaml)
- input: "$(tasks.check-deployment.results.output-result)"
operator: in
values: ["no"]
let’s understand the pipeline …
- first task clone the repository inside a workspace, the workspace we would be using is a pvc which will passed to the pipeline from PipelineRun
- after completing the first task, build test and unit test start parallely.
- but the next task build-push-image will execute only if previous are successful
- if any of the build-test or unit-test fails, then the pipeline fails
- the order is specified by `runAfter` field descibed in each task in the above pipeline
- after pushing the image, we check if deployment for news-demo already exist on the cluster
- if it doesn’t exist, then we create a new deployment
- or we just patch the existing deployment with new image
# Execution
We have installed Tekton using the Tekton Operator on Kubernetes or OpenShift Pipelines Operator on OpenShift.
Before applying the pipeline, we will need to create some resources, run the bash script in pipeline
Edit the script to add your image registry credentials so that pipeline can push image to your registry. and update your registry username in pipelineRun.
Execute the scipt
This script install task from catalog, create service account which has access to your registry for pushing the image, rbac required for creating/updating deployment, pipeline and starts the pipeline by creating pipelineRun.
You can use tkn to access the resource
# List the pipelineRuns
tkn pipelinerun ls# follow the logs of pipelineRun
tkn pipelinerun logs -f
Wait for pipelineRun to be completed and then check the image in deployment..
Previously, when we deployed the application the image was `quay.io/sm43/news-demo:latest` and now the pipeline has updated the image to `quay.io/sm43/news-demo:v0.1`.
We have successfully ran the pipeline.
In next part, we will setup automated triggering of Pipeline using Tekton Triggers.